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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Village Inn and the land of beautiful tall people.

Narragansett has been calling my name!
My second photographer Kate Daley and I have been having the biggest streak of luck with amazing couples and Narragansett beach. This couple, their family and guests continued this great luck. It also provided myself-who is pretty tall 5'10"-an experience of feeling pretty short! I was surrounded by so many incredibly tall people that I had wished I wore my heels so I could see past them! Kudos to this group of women for rockin' the heels and towering well above 6'! Inspiring! The other thing I noticed, and is surely more important than height, was the close friendships that were evident during the entire evening.

Sheila and Josh ended a week long celebration with their wedding. The support and adoration of their family and guests was palpable. The officiant was a close friend and the toasts and life stories were delivered in the most entertaining ways. It was certainly a day paid in high respect to friendship, not just Sheila and Josh's, but those that surround them.

Thank you Sheila and Josh for such a lovely wedding experience! I hope you don't mind going down in my wedding book as the wedding of the beautiful tall people.

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