Weddings To Go Green-the perfect solution to small elegant unique weddings

Starting at $1275, I now exclusively feature the Weddings To Go Green option for the smaller unique wedding, DIYers, or the green living couple. It is amazing wedding photography at an unbelievable price and it is environmentally conscious!

Monday, September 26, 2011

When it all means something...

This has been the year of friend weddings!  Each and every one different and meaningful for their own personal reasons.  Cara and Tracy, two very close friends of ours, chose to do a small, detailed wedding full of meaning.
The location was a private residence where they vacation often, the guests were 30 of their closest friends and family, the wine glasses were hand painted by them, the flower containers were collected over the past months...and it goes on and on.  What I loved most about this level of meaning was the idea that almost everything we touched, viewed and experienced went though their hands first...and, it was beautiful!
Much love Cara and Tracy!  We had a great time!

1 comment:

Cara Presley-Kimball said...

I loved this day! Tracy and I were just talking about how surreal the wedding seems, looking back. Seeing these beautiful photos makes it all flood wonderfully back to reality. Thank you, Krista and Kate, for this huge contribution to making our wedding so amazing. Plus, I just loved having you there!