Weddings To Go Green-the perfect solution to small elegant unique weddings

Starting at $1275, I now exclusively feature the Weddings To Go Green option for the smaller unique wedding, DIYers, or the green living couple. It is amazing wedding photography at an unbelievable price and it is environmentally conscious!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Have I mentioned I do Bar/Bas Mitzvahs?

Here is a spectacular Bar Mitzvah I traveled to San Francisco to shoot.

It was a bright and beautiful day. The location, the weather, the guests, all happy! Apparently blissfully happy is not just a west coast thing, since a ton of the guests were New Yorkers. I have resolved myself to thinking it's just in the air, since my mood was lifted too.

Truth is, while living in San Francisco, I worked for an amazing photographer named Lois Tema. It is she who taught be just about all of what I know about running a successful, honest, and meticulous photo studio. She is whom I learned to light people from, and show people how to love images of themselves. At the same time, I was also a part-time nanny to her son, and it is his Bar Mitzvah I photographed. It was a bit challenging emotionally...cause well the little guy I cared for grew up and I would get all sappy behind the camera. Either way it was spectacular night, and I found it to be quite an honor that my old boss finds my work and integrity to be worthy of her sons Bar Mitzvah photos. Thanks Lois!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wedding album winters.

So, a lot of my clients ask, what ever is it I do in the winter? Well it is wedding albums, wedding albums, wedding albums (and few weddings and other things) Here are a few pages from a number of magazine style albums I have completed. Remember! I also create high end imported matted albums too! I will feature those weddings another time...

and here is a quote from a client "It is beautiful! You did magnificient work and we couldn't be happier with the final product. My mom keeps flipping through it over and over and over..."-Vanessa

January wedding!

If you hate the heat, and can stand freezing cold... January weddings are for you.

I don't think it is often the bride doesn't even flinch when the zipper on her dress breaks. Not a flinch, just a smile and a emoergency plan to get a guest who can fix it over to the house to sew her into the dress! I never did find out how the groom got her out of it.

That relaxed personality was the vibe of the whole day right down to the parents. Well planned, well executed day...and did I mention I have photographed the bride as a bridesmaid in to other weddings. We had a blast. Kind of like working with an old friend.

Reception-Crowne Plaza Warwick.

The Ex2