Weddings To Go Green-the perfect solution to small elegant unique weddings

Starting at $1275, I now exclusively feature the Weddings To Go Green option for the smaller unique wedding, DIYers, or the green living couple. It is amazing wedding photography at an unbelievable price and it is environmentally conscious!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Lounging in the sun?

It didn't rain! It didn't rain! Well, truth be told, threat of major storms loomed all week but held out for us until after ceremony and picture taking, and the sun shined only for a short time, but the bride and I took full advantage and outdoors we went!

The wedding took place in Brookline and the reception was at the Omni Parker House in downtown Boston. Such a grand and historic location. The stone, architecture, people in the streets, and the big bronze horse in the park all made for great backdrops and an occasional funny one. We couldn't resist the horse, we tried, but I won't show the picture because it is THAT ridiculous.

Thanks J & B!

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