Weddings To Go Green-the perfect solution to small elegant unique weddings

Starting at $1275, I now exclusively feature the Weddings To Go Green option for the smaller unique wedding, DIYers, or the green living couple. It is amazing wedding photography at an unbelievable price and it is environmentally conscious!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Architecture's great but you gotta "bring it" too!

The theme of the day- take FULL advantage of downtown Boston, and that we did. Stunning architecture and spectacular contrast between old time Boston and the new; water and concrete, trees and buildings. This couple knew what they wanted, and had a vision of all the fine details of Boston to be featured in the backgrounds. We began at Langham Hotel with the bride and getting ready- incredible detail from floor to ceiling and many places to take advantage of. We moved on to St Mary's in Charlestown, and the park down the street, then onto Post office Square for some fun shots. The reception took place at the Downtown Harvard Club in Boston. The views went on for days.
Here's the thing...the location's beauty is great... but what really makes the picture is you. This couple and I planned the timing of the many locations really well so the day was enjoyable and not rushed. We had a blast. Being relaxed, in my opinion, is the single most important thing to looking good in any photograph. If you and your photographer can create a relaxed and fun atmosphere on your wedding day, the results will prove spectacular.
Thanks R and M!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Lounging in the sun?

It didn't rain! It didn't rain! Well, truth be told, threat of major storms loomed all week but held out for us until after ceremony and picture taking, and the sun shined only for a short time, but the bride and I took full advantage and outdoors we went!

The wedding took place in Brookline and the reception was at the Omni Parker House in downtown Boston. Such a grand and historic location. The stone, architecture, people in the streets, and the big bronze horse in the park all made for great backdrops and an occasional funny one. We couldn't resist the horse, we tried, but I won't show the picture because it is THAT ridiculous.

Thanks J & B!

Early Spring and umbrellas

Early Spring and umbrellas, nothing more I can say!

Although everyone hopes for a beautiful and sunny day, the weather does not always cooperate. No problem, umbrellas work too! Not to mention the couple had just relocated to the states from London and the weather, I think, made them feel right at home.

The location was at the Wellesley College Club and it featured windows, windows, windows! Perfect for getting images that had the feeling of being outside while the bride and groom were able to stay dry and warm indoors with the exception of when they decided they didn't care and wanted to brave the rain with umbrellas for fun.

Thanks R & M!

Playing in the snow!

Winter weddings are great! In my opinion, you just have to have fun with it all. I think childhood excitement of a snow day comes rushing back and that's where the great smiles and willingness to play around comes from.

Get outside, get cold, and then snuggle up!

This couple lives and works in Newport, and the wedding was very reflective of their love of this fantastic and beautiful town. It is stunning even in the winter.

After getting ready, I photographed the entire bridal party downtown, at The New York Yacht Club, and at their favorite local watering hole. The whole bunch of family and friends joined in at the bar for a
pre-wedding celebration before we moved on to Astor's Beechwood Mansion, an amazing location, for the entire event.

The reception featured an outstanding local Reggae band (the name escapes me) that both the bride and groom coul not get enough of. The groom is the captain of a sailboat and the whole crew was there to celebrate. Let me tell you about my first and only experience with professional sailors...they know how to appreciate not only a party, but all the people around them.

Thanks K &R!