Weddings To Go Green-the perfect solution to small elegant unique weddings

Starting at $1275, I now exclusively feature the Weddings To Go Green option for the smaller unique wedding, DIYers, or the green living couple. It is amazing wedding photography at an unbelievable price and it is environmentally conscious!

Monday, September 26, 2011

When it all means something...

This has been the year of friend weddings!  Each and every one different and meaningful for their own personal reasons.  Cara and Tracy, two very close friends of ours, chose to do a small, detailed wedding full of meaning.
The location was a private residence where they vacation often, the guests were 30 of their closest friends and family, the wine glasses were hand painted by them, the flower containers were collected over the past months...and it goes on and on.  What I loved most about this level of meaning was the idea that almost everything we touched, viewed and experienced went though their hands first...and, it was beautiful!
Much love Cara and Tracy!  We had a great time!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Village Inn! Narragansett and I are having a "thing"

I am not exactly sure why I seem to trend different locations each year-sometimes Boston, Mystic or Providence...this years its Narragansett, and I will take it!  The scenery is beautiful, the atmosphere is casual and beachy, and the venues are all full of great views!  The Village Inn has been on fire this year with great couples choosing their location for the big day.

Jessie and Matt planned this day with confidence and precision.  They knew what they wanted and how to make it happen in relaxed yet efficient way.  I arrived early, and Jessie was already dressed and ready for pictures...and so were the bridesmaids!  Unheard of. The colors, the shoes, the dress was spectacular and a perfect choice for Jessie!

The ceremony was on the deck over looking the beach on a gorgeous day.  It was a ceremony full of respect for the families, history and future. Immediately following we took advantage to of the nearby condos grounds, beach wall and park for pictures. We made it back with plenty of time to relax and regroup for the introductions.  Love that!  The night was a huge success with great redecorating of the room and a band that kept people dancing even when they were tired! 

Thank you Jessie and Matt...I hope you love the images!

Monday, September 12, 2011

APPLAUSOMETER! Reflected Creativity-Irene couldn't stop them.

Whoa!  This wedding was planned for over a year and then re-planned in a week thanks to Irene...It was supposed to a green Vermont wedding at Mountain Meadows turned into Green Eli Whitney Museum wedding in Hamden Ct with a full donation basket for the Vermont victims of Irene.  Such an amazing couple to think of others on their special day.  Now, to the festivities...
To start the weekend off they had a pre-wedding rehearsal party with a vintage T-shirt theme!  Atari, Golden Girls, I survived Hurricane Gloria 1985, and the winner- Micheal Bolton concert T-shirt '94!  Great ice-breaker for the guests and so much fun.
The wedding.  I have one word.  Applausometer.

The reception was big, fun, party that was still going very very strong when I made an exit.  It was full of close friends in support of this couple having a great weekend no matter where they are.  Julie and Sarafine it was such an honor to be a part of your day and thank you so much for having me!